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I am currently a student at Texas A&M. I love God, family, friends, and photography

Friday, June 15, 2012


Powa is the normal response to mambo. look at that, you now know how to greet and respond like a cool kid in Kenya. Again, brain, not working, tangents inevitable, sorry.

Another night of poor sleep. I bought melatonin for a reason, I really should use it. Anywho, it felt a kinda poor this morning, dry throat and allergies. Still feel the same. Luckily, Moses had prepared a great breakfast of mango and pancakes. Apparently there isn't syrup in Kenya, or they dont use it, so back to the peanut butter and honey. Also, I forgot to mention that we were joined by Ava's brother, Kyle and his wife after the first day of being in Kibera.

This time when we made it to the school, the kids were still outside waiting, screaming, and cheering for us. I was carrying two bags, one in each hand, in addition to my backpack but that didn't stop the little ones from trying to hang off my arms or holding my hands. Something that is weird for us in The States is holding hands. Sure its fine to hold hands with your significant other, in prayer and when holding the hand of a toddler or young child, but in Kibera the all the boys from 5 - 15 years old hold hands with each other. It was weird on the first day when the kids wanted to hold my hand, yes interdigiting even (a germ freak's hell on earth), but you get used to it when you recognize the reasoning behind it. Before, I have mentioned the whole "everyone takes care of everyone thing," and thats kinda the reason for the handholding and the closeness of the boys, as far as I can tell. Two of the boys I talk with the most, Isaac and Eugene, both have been raised by only their mothers, and this is kinda the norm in Kibera. The hardships and the loss that all of the children have faced, or inevitably will face is what makes their bonds so strong. The are best friends, and brothers, regardless if they have the same parents or not.

Our agenda for today was much like yesterday, interviews, video, and photos. However, we focused on students rather than the Biashara ladies. For these interviews we ask normal questions like, "how is life in Kibera, how is school, etc." However, some questions dont get answered. Many of the children are aprehensive to talk about their parents, mainly, as I stated before, because they may have lost one or both. I did get the chance to interview two boys by the name of Peter and Emanuel (I think thats his name, its hard to understand the kids some times, okay?!). Anyway, Peter and Emanuel are in grade 6 and actually asked my to interview them. They both told me what they wanted to be when they grew up, Peter - a missionary, and Emanuel - a doctor. Now, some kids might be like Emanuel in 6th grade and say they want to be a doctor because they "want to help people." Well, Emanuel has thought this out just a bit more than other kids. He wants to be a doctor so that he can help the people in Kibera, Kenya, and Africa. He wants to help those already with dieses and wants to find was to prevent the spread. This is almost verbatim of what he said, coming from a 6th grader. Peter wasnt much different, not to mention that many 6th graders grow up wanting to be a missionary. His reason was "I wasnt to tell those in Kibera and the rest of the world of God's love for them, and encourage them to praise Him in everything." Amazing. I dont know about anyone else, but I sure didnt think the way that these two boys do. Heck I don't even do that now! The reason, as far as I can tell, for these boys knowing how they want to live when they're older is due to the fact that they take nothing for granted. The know they have a hard life but know that the lord has blessed them in one way or another. They understand that they have to work really really hard to get to highschool and even hard to get to University (in the plans of both boys). Guess what, I just got inspired my two 6th graders. God, thanks for that humbling experience.

Another small part of our agenda for the day was getting some photos for the Penda Sock Monsters that are made but the kids in grades 7 and 8. The sock monsters sell out really fast, so If you want to get one, do it as soon as you see that they are in stock. Guess what, you'll be helping pay for school fees. Pretty cool, right?

The last part of the day consisted of the Biashara market. All the ladies setup shop in the church that New Hope is building. We got to browse things that they had made themselves and things that they had bought to sell for profit. A lot of it is really impressive craftswomenship.

Keep the prayers coming, specifically for health!

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